Microsoft Excel Fundamentals
Introduction to Excel
5 Lessons
Overview of Excel interface and features
Understanding workbooks, worksheets, and cells
Navigating and selecting cells, rows, and columns
Entering and editing data
Saving and opening workbooks
Formatting and Customizing Worksheets
5 Lessons
Formatting text, numbers, and dates
Adjusting column width and row height
Applying cell styles and themes
Working with borders and shading
Inserting and deleting cells, rows, and columns
Basic Formulas and Functions
5 Lessons
Understanding formulas and cell references
Performing basic mathematical operations
Using common functions (SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN, COUNT, etc.)
Copying and pasting formulas
Using absolute and relative cell references
Data Manipulation and Analysis
5 Lessons
Sorting data in ascending or descending order
Filtering data based on criteria
Using AutoFilter and Advanced Filter
Applying conditional formatting
Creating basic charts (column, bar, pie)
Managing Worksheets and Workbooks
5 Lessons
Renaming, adding, and deleting worksheets
Grouping and ungrouping worksheets
Linking data between worksheets
Protecting worksheets and workbooks
Printing and page setup options
Introduction to Data Analysis Tools
5 Lessons
Using data validation to control input
Creating and formatting tables
Using pivot tables for data summarization
Applying basic filters to pivot tables
Using basic what-if analysis tools (data tables, goal seek)
Collaboration and Sharing Features
5 Lessons
Adding comments to cells
Tracking changes and reviewing workbooks
Sharing workbooks via email or cloud storage
Co-authoring and real-time collaboration
Protecting workbooks with passwords
Tips and Tricks for Efficiency
4 Lessons
Working with keyboard shortcuts
Using autofill and flash fill for repetitive tasks
Creating custom lists for quick data entry
Using templates and add-ins
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Using templates and add-ins
Microsoft Excel Fundamentals
Tips and Tricks for Efficiency
Using templates and add-ins
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